Amino acid and protein differences

Amino acids differ from proteins in that they have different properties, different amino acid numbers, and different uses.

First, the nature is not the same:

1, amino acids: carboxylic acid carbon atoms on the hydrogen atom is replaced by amino compounds.

2. Protein: It is a substance with corresponding spatial distribution, from amino acids by “dehydration shrinkage” produced by polypeptide chain coiled folding.

Two, the number of amino acids is different:

1. amino acids: amino acid molecules.

2.Protein: consists of more than 50 amino acid molecules.

Three, different uses:

1. Amino acids: synthesis of tissue proteins; To ammonia containing substances such as acids, hormones, antibodies and creatine; To carbohydrates and fats; Oxidize to carbon dioxide, water and urea to form power.

2. Protein: Protein is a key raw material for the construction and repair of the human body. Protein is essential for the repair and renewal of human growth and damaged cells. Can also be broken down into human life activities to replenish energy.

protein, “protein,” is the material basis of life. Without protein, there would be no life. So, it is a substance that is closely related to life and its activities. Proteins are involved in every cell and all important parts of the body.


Aminoacid (Aminoacid) is the basic component of protein, giving protein specific molecular structure and form, so that its molecules have biochemical activity. Proteins are important active molecules in living organisms, including enzymes and enzymes that catalyze metabolism. Different amino acids are chemically polymerized into peptides, and the original fragments of proteins are precursors to protein formation.

Post time: Apr-21-2023