The role of carnosine in antioxidation

The body’s normal metabolism is an oxidation process, and the older the age, the more oxidized the skin. Metabolites are free radicals, when the amount exceeds the maximum degree of protection of the human body, the skin will have the phenomenon of aging, which is the fundamental reason for our antioxidant.

When you are young, your body’s metabolism is fast, and many beneficial substances will be created to counteract free radicals. As you age, your metabolism slows down, and antioxidants in your body become less and less, the amount of free radicals in your body will become more and more, damaging tissues and cells, leading to skin aging.

Free radicals are inherently harmful compounds with strong oxidation, which can damage human cells and tissues. The number of free radicals is not only related to age, but also affected by ultraviolet radiation, electronic product radiation, cloudy air, mental stress and diet.

Carnosine is a dipeptide composed of two amino acids, β-alanine and L-histidine. Carnosine is a natural antioxidant that can prevent mutual cross-linking of collagen, and has certain effects in anti-aging and inhibiting lipid oxidation caused by free radicals and metal ions.

In addition, carnosine can effectively remove the active carbonyl substances and reduce the aging process, which is mainly used in anti-aging skin care products. Carnosine, while inhibiting free radicals, can also promote the secretion of female hormones after menopause, greatly reduce the activity of melanocytes, and prevent new spots. Carnosine is not only a super antioxidant, but also has the ability to restore antioxidant capacity and suppress pigmentation to repair skin collagen shield.

The role of carnosine in antioxidation

Carnosine has strong antioxidant power, which can protect the mitochondrial membrane inside the cell while maintaining the cell membrane. It can make the skin full, accelerate the discharge of metabolites from the skin, improve the texture of the skin, maintain the skin color even, avoid skin aging, and maintain the normal circulation of the skin. It is especially suitable for people with a history of gout attack and high uric acid in the interictal period, which is very beneficial.

Post time: Mar-19-2024